It was a termendous moments tnat day at the museum. it brings lots of feelings to watch the arts & culture of those that had been in the past life. I was to absorbed seeing the wonder of how they cooped with the big and heavy equipment. The long hours of dressing and carrying themselves everywhere.

There is also a wide range of artefacts from China,India and Southeast Asia apart from Iran & the Middle East.The rest of collections is displayed according to the themes such as Architecture, Qur'ans & Manusscripts,Jewellery, Arms & Armour,textiles,Living with wood,coins & seals,Metalwork,Ceramics & Glasswear and Artefacts. It was awesome to be starring at all this in just one visit.

By the way beside the exhibits on display, there're also additional facilities include restaurant,museum shop,rehal terrace,fountain garden,auditorium,children's library,special galleries & education art workshop.
So interesting isn't it?
Hope cud spend more time here but as usual time do goes by quicker than we hope for.
I wud surely bring my kids here someday soon.