5th March'09
* just finishing my Malay manuscript.. a third manuscript actually.. I'm just a simple mom with so many house chores to topple with.. I'm working too as a tutor in my own house & in my own tuition cubicle he he.. my class is on Tue,Wed & Thurs in morning, evening & night. I'll settle my chores just between the classes.
* 2 of my kids studying at college, a daughter waiting 4 the SPM result, 2 kids in the morning school & 2 more in the afternoon. 2 in KL, just finish studying.. doing business under site construction & the youngest.. cutest.. stay with me of course. I love my kids & will do something... anything...more... to keep them going, ok
p/s: My elder son, Irsyad
(Pending his studies to gain more skill & xperience...recently working as an assistant side-supervisor in a construction field).
'when the going gets tough... the tough gets going!' - Quote Joseph P. Kennedy.
My third kid, Nurin and her youngest sister... Adlina Elissa.
Ahmad Fadhlan & Liya Maziyyah, 7th and 8th kid... they are the apple of my eyes!
* By the way...want a peep at my manuscript? care to read & comment? Just wait....
whoa, strike out mom!